
Add Extra Fees

Modified on 27 June

You are able to add extra fees to transactions on your ticket event website. To set up an extra fee (such as a course fee, venue fee, or shipping fee), go to Event Dashboard>>Financial>>Extra Fees>>Add an Extra Fee. 

Write a Short Fee Description (or title) and enter a percentage, dollar amount, or formula to calculate the fee cost. You can also include a longer description, which will explain to ticket buyers why they are being charged for this fee. Then decide what the fee applies to. Your options are Transaction (one fee on the entire purchase) or Per Ticket (a fee for each individual ticket). 

You can then choose whether or not to waive the fee if the ticket cost is $0, and whether to apply the fee before or after a discount.

To manage fees, go to Event Dashboard>>Financial>>Extra Fees. Here, you can edit or delete fees. 

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